


Please find below the guidelines for applying for a grant from the Foundation.


The deadline for applying for a grant is 15 March.

A response will only be sent to applicants who receive a grant. If the applicant does not receive a response, a grant has not been allocated to the applicant.


Generally, the allotment of grants is made on a yearly basis.


In general, the Foundation will not allot grants to applicants if the purpose of the application has already been carried out at the time when the Foundation received the application.



Please find below the guidelines for applying for a grant from the Foundation.


General information required from each applicant:


  1. Full name
  2. Occupation
  3. Address
  4. CPR-no./CVR-no./TIN-no.
  5. E-mail address
  6. Phone
  7. Bank details (including name of bank, bank reg. no. (4 digits) and bank account no. (5 - 10 digits)
  8. Are you subject to taxation in Denmark? (If not, please specify to what country you are liable for taxation)
  9. Have you previously applied for a grant from the Foundation (and with what result)?
  10. Have you received other grants within the last 24 months?
  11. What is the overall purpose of your application?
  12. Please state the amount in DKK you are applying for
  13. Please estimate your total expenses related to the purpose/activity for which you are applying
  14. Please state/estimate your income this financial year
  15. Please state the date(s) on which you wish for the grant to be paid out to your bank acccount


In addition, your application must contain the following declaration, to be signed and dated by you:


"I solemnly declare that the contents of this application are true and fair, and I confirm that I have read and understood how Hanne Lomholdts Operauddannelsesfond processes the personal data submitted by me as stipulated in "How we process personal data at Hanne Lomholdts Operauddannelsesfond", which is available on"


Further, the Foundation will only consider applications if the below guidelines are observed:


  1. A letter of application must be dated and signed.
  2. A video (with audio) must be enclosed demonstrating the applicant’s proficiency at singing (if the applicant is, or is aspiring to become, an opera singer).
  3. An overall description of the object of the grant (please see the main categories of activities eligible for a grant under the page "Articles".
  4. Documentation to the effect that the applicant as a minimum is a Bachelor of Music (BMus) or possesses a similar level of proficiency.
  5. Recommendations from relevant, competent, professional individuals. The contact details of the relevant, competent, professional individuals must be attached.
  6. If an application concerns a study abroad, the start and end dates of the stay must be stated together with documentation of the application or admission to the place of education and the advance approval of the study abroad from the applicant’s present place of education.
  7. A motivated application, including schedules.


The Foundation expects the motivated application to contain the following:


  • Signed and dated letter of application
  • Specification of the documentation submitted together with the application
  • CV
  • Budget
  • Documentation to the effect that the applicant as a minimum is a Bachelor of Music (BMus) or possesses a similar level of proficiency.
  • If an application is for the purpose of a study abroad, the advance approval from the applicant’s present place of education must be attached.
  • Documentation concerning the applicant’s latest notice of assessment (tax – in Danish: "årsopgørelse") and information on any material changes in the applicant’s income which do not appear from the latest notice of assessment (tax).
  • Information on any applications to other foundations as well as grants received within the last 24 months.
  • Other schedules (if any and relevant).


The application may not be submitted by ordinary mail.


If there are any changes in the application, the Foundation must be notified immediately by e-mail to


In general, applications will only be considered if they observe the above guidelines.



The Foundation was established on 5 December 2017. The Board of Directors constitutes five members with a keen interest in opera.




To honour Hanne Lomholdt's lifelong passion for opera by providing financial support to opera singers at an early stage of their career.



Please see our procedure for processing personal data available under the page "Contact".